Note: For agreements that do not have a set expiration date, the expiration date will show as 12/31/2078. All information has been provided by local governments. Only agreements that are or were active as of Sept. 1, 2021, when HB 2404 went into effect or agreements that have been entered into, amended or renewed since then are required to be reported to the database.
Chapter 380-381 economic development agreement information as reported to the Comptroller by this entity.
Local government type: City
Local government code: 0000146
Type of agreement: New
Record filed: 01/05/2022 01:28
301 W. 2nd St.
Austin, TX 78701
Toby Futrell
City Manager
Entity Name: Samsung Austin Semiconductor, LLC
Assumed Name of the Entity:
Business Address of Entity:
Entity Contact Phone Number:
Entity Contact Email:
Effective Date of Agreement: 01/01/2006
Expiration Date of Agreement: 12/31/2027
Counties that the agreement affects: Travis Austin
Total Monetary Value of Agreement:
Terms on Which Agreement Expires:
Source of Money Used or Type of Tax Implicated By the Agreement:
Agreement Number: 0000146
job creation, investment, compliance with laws and ordinances