taxeseSystems Help

Additional FormsFranchise Tax

Combined Group Report

Is this entity the reporting entity of a combined group report? Select Yes if this report is being filed on behalf of an affiliated group engaged in a unitary business.

If yes, is this entity the reporting entity of a combined group report with a temporary business loss credit preserved for itself and/or at least one affiliate? Select Yes if the reporting entity or an affiliate of the combined group has a temporary business loss credit preserved.

Tiered Partnership Election

Will your total revenue be adjusted for the Tiered Partnership Election? Select Yes if you are making a tiered partnership election and are the upper tier entity including revenue passed to you by the lower tier entity, or if you are the lower tier entity excluding revenue passed to an upper tiered entity.

Do not select yes just because the entity owns an interest in another entity.

Common Owner Information Report

If the reporting entity of a combined group has a temporary credit for business loss carryforward preserved for itself and/or its affiliates, it must submit the common owner information, listing the individual or entity that owns more than 50 percent (directly or indirectly) for each member of the combined group.

Note that the common owner is not necessarily the same as the reporting entity.

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