Engine is a private hotel booking platform that connects State of Texas travelers to rates unavailable to the public and streamlines business travel management. With dedicated, 24/7 customer support services, a simple search and book process, and customized account management tools, Engine is the contracted vendor for the State of Texas.
October 1, 2023 - August 25, 2025
The Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts has awarded a contract to Engine for discounted rates for state agencies, institutions of higher education and local governments on transient travel while doing business for the State of Texas.
Note: The Engine booking platform is only to be used for making business-related travel reservations. Any personal or leisure travel is strictly prohibited.
971-M1 Contract details
Engine Support Team
24 hour Support
Account Management Team
Hours- Mon to Fri 8:00 am to 5:00 pm CST
Group Travel Bookings is a required offering under the current 971-M1 lodging contract with Engine that allows lodging for bookings for eleven (11) or more travelers.
Group bookings include charges for lodging and other non-food lodging-related expenses only. Other services including meals, meeting spaces, conference planning, and audio-visual services are not permitted and must be procured by customers under the appropriate purchasing processes.
Customers booking conference or training events where associated non-lodging services at the same location are procured in coordination with lodging, are not required to book group lodging under this contract, and shall follow applicable procurement laws, rules, and procedures to secure the lodging and other services.