Glenn Hegar
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
Glenn Hegar
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
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Glenn Hegar
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
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Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program

Authorized by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), the BEAD Program will provide states funding that will help expand high-speed internet access and use. Texas was allocated $3.3 billion to support infrastructure deployment, mapping and adoption, including planning and capacity-building. The Broadband Development Office (BDO) will create a competitive process for potential subrecipients to apply for funding.

All program information, planning documents and deadlines will be available here. Check back often.


The BEAD Challenge Process is vital to ensuring the state accurately represents location-level funding eligibility for the BEAD Program.

Additional Information

The BDO accepted service availability challenges from internet service providers (ISPs), units of local government and nonprofit organizations from Dec. 3-17, 2024. The submitted challenges were reviewed by the BDO to determine validity. ISPs and community anchor institutions affected by a challenge had the opportunity to submit rebuttals from Jan. 10-24.

To ensure challengers were prepared, the BDO hosted several webinars throughout the Texas Availability Challenge Process. The following webinars covered the process and inputs needed to successfully file challenges and rebuttals:

Interested parties can visit the Challenge Process Registration page to access additional guidance materials. Pre-challenge location ID lists with service availability data files (zip) can be downloaded on the Register Now page.

The BDO is reviewing all submitted challenges and rebuttal evidence to finalize the list of BEAD eligible locations. The BDO’s Final Determinations for all submitted challenges will be available in spring 2025.

Initial Proposal

States were required to submit a comprehensive two-volume Initial Proposal for the BEAD Program that detailed the steps they planned to take in pursuit of universal service.


The BDO posted a draft of Texas’ Initial Proposal and invited feedback from the state’s residents and stakeholders. Following public comments and related revisions, the Initial Proposal was submitted to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) on Dec. 23, 2023. Volume I of the Initial Proposal was approved on April 11, 2024. Volume II was approved on Nov. 19, 2024.


Volume II of the BEAD Initial Proposal describes the selection process for subgrantees and includes details about selection criteria, timelines and application evaluation.

The BDO plans to start the subgrantee selection process in May 2025, pending NTIA’s approval of the Challenge Process.

In preparation for the BEAD Subgrantee Selection Process, the BDO will be publishing a Request for Information on Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2025. The office is requesting additional feedback on the Project Area Units (PAUs), which applicants will use to develop proposed projects. More information to come.

The Pre-qualification Period will open early spring 2025. Additional information and guidance will be provided on our website and the Subgrantee Selection Portal.

To ensure potential applicants are prepared, the BDO will be hosting an eight-part webinar series. All webinars will be recorded and posted for those who cannot attend. Participants must register for each webinar separately.

Texas BEAD Subgrantee Selection Webinar Series
All webinars will begin at 1 p.m. CST.
Date Topic/Recording Registration
Feb. 12 End-to-end Process for Subgrantee Selection
Feb. 19 Project Area Unit Division Inputs
March 12 Preliminary Registration Register Now
March 26 Texas BEAD Notice of Funding Availability Register Now
April 9 Project Cost (Part 1) Register Now
April 23 Project Cost (Part 2) Register Now
May 7 Subgrantee Portal Walkthrough Register Now
May 14 Federal and State Compliance Register Now

Five-Year Action Plan


States and territories planning to access funding through the BEAD Program were required to develop and submit a Five-Year Action Plan to NTIA outlining broadband objectives, goals and priorities for ensuring unserved and underserved locations gain access to reliable broadband. The plan served as a needs assessment and informed how the BDO developed a Texas-specific grant program with funding from the BEAD Program.

  • Email us to request a copy of the BDO’s Five-Year Action Plan.

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