Authorized by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), the Digital Equity Act (DEA) of 2021 will fund projects that ensure Texas residents and communities have the technology and training needed for full participation in our society, democracy and economy. The BDO will develop programs that support the advancement of measurable objectives set forth by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA). These objectives include:
The BDO developed the Texas Digital Opportunity Plan (TDOP) (PDF, 32M) through various engagement opportunities. The TDOP was accepted by the NTIA on March 28, 2024.
All program information, planning documents and deadlines will be available here. Check back often.
With the allotted State Digital Equity Planning Grant funds, the BDO conducted robust and comprehensive public engagement to ensure all Texan voices were incorporated into the first draft of the TDOP.
Led by a strong focus on unserved and underserved populations across the state, the BDO administered individual and organizational surveys to understand barriers to access; conducted a statewide listening tour to engage both citizens and stakeholders; and convened statewide working groups and industry-focused task forces. The feedback and data gathered through these engagement efforts played an instrumental role in shaping the TDOP.
The BDO also partnered with the Texas Workforce Commission and Texas A&M AgriLife Extension to understand the broadband workforce and digital opportunity landscape across Texas. Outputs from these partnerships are in the TDOP appendix:
The BDO remains committed to keeping stakeholders informed by participating in speaking engagements and conferences as well as facilitating meetings and monthly industry and local government roundtables throughout the planning and implementation process.
Learn more about the BDO’s ongoing outreach and engagement.
The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) released the Notice of Funding Opportunity for the State Digital Equity Capacity Grant Program (SDECGP) on March 29, 2024.
This will guide the office in designing a competitive grant program for entities working to advance digital literacy, device access, affordability, cybersecurity awareness and other digital opportunity initiatives in Texas.
Texas was allocated $55.6 million to implement the Texas Digital Opportunity Plan. The Broadband Development Office’s (BDO) application to the SDECGP was accepted by the NTIA on Nov. 21, 2024.
The BDO has paused all grants and contracts related to the state’s allocation of the federal SDECGP as of March 4, 2025, due to ongoing federal government realignment to meet the priorities of the new federal administration.
Nine technical assistance webinars were hosted and archived to prepare communities for funding programs, including:
MARCH 28, 2024
The TDOP sets the vision and goals for digital opportunity in the state; assesses the current state of access and barriers to digital opportunities; outlines how the BDO will collaborate with stakeholders to address challenges; and describes the strategies and actions we will take to realize our vision and goals.
The BDO published and promoted a public draft of the TDOP. We encouraged all Texans to provide feedback on the plan and received more than 300 comments on the TDOP draft. Following public comments and related revisions, the BDO submitted the draft to the NTIA on Feb. 28, 2024. The NTIA accepted the TDOP on March 28, 2024.
Download the Texas Digital Opportunity Plan (PDF, 32M). Note this is an 800-page document.
APRIL 29, 2024
The Texas Digital Opportunity Hub provides an updated and user-friendly version of the TDOP for communities, practitioners, grant-seekers and decision-makers to find and use digital opportunity data for various Texas geographies and populations. The hub offers a searchable and interactive resource to find digital opportunity services, programs and leadership across the state.
If your question is not addressed here, email us.