programsMatch the Promise

Big Dreams ... My Future

Morgan | future occupational therapist

I can see it now! I am dressed in a cap and gown as my family sits in the audience, my name, "Morgan," is announced. I finally did it! I have graduated with my master's degree and have reached my goal of becoming an occupational therapist. I have always wanted to become a therapist. My passion for working with students with disabilities has blossomed over the years. I have had several opportunities to interact with these students at school and church and I receive so much gratification in their small successes. I even had the chance to observe our therapist at my school during a therapy session. My mom has encouraged me to explore all careers, but I keep coming back to occupational therapy. My internet research has indicated that employment of occupational therapist will exceed thirty-three percent by 2020 which is much faster than other occupations. My mom will be happy in knowing that there are at least nine colleges in Texas offering degree programs in my field and I will not have to move out-of-state to attend school. Also, she will be glad to know that I will be able to support myself financially with a starting salary in the mid-50's. My desire to help individuals in need through treatment will make my career not just a job, but one that offers gratification and hopefully makes the world a better place.

Morgan's essay appears here as written, to preserve the young author’s unique voice and individual writing style. However, we have deleted personally identifiable information to protect the student’s privacy.