programsMatch the Promise

What Interests Me: Veterinarian

Alexis | future veterinarian

My name is Alexis, and my dream career is to become a veterinarian. Why? I'd like to help out any animal that is in need of assistance, as an animal lover myself.

There are many different ways a veterinarian works. In a clinic, on farms, or in laboratories. Veterinarians aren't always stressed out from all of the work since they can work in so many environments.

What's great about being a veterinarian is that you don't just work with house pets. You work with wild animals/animals at a zoo. The animals could require anything from daily medication to a surgery.

To become a veterinarian, you must have a doctor of veterinariancy medicine degree and a state license. In order to go to a veterinarian school, you must at least have a GPA of 3.5, volunteer with a veterinarian to get clinic experience and appreciation for the veterinary medical field. You must also take the Graduate Record Examinations, choose three individuals to provide letters of recommendation, and make sure to have a backup plan.

The opportunities for this kind of job in the future is if I, family member or a friend have a sick animal, I will be able to help cure the illness or problem.

The steps I took for learning about this career is I researched a lot of different websites and summarized all of the things that I learned.

Alexis's essay appears here as written, to preserve the young author’s unique voice and individual writing style. However, we have deleted personally identifiable information to protect the student’s privacy.