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Mechanical Engineering Would Be a Good Job

Patrick | future mechanical engineer

When I grow up, I want to be a mechanical engineer. I think mechanical engineering would be a good job for me to have because I like to figure things out and solve problems. To be a mechanical engineer you would have to go to college and get a degree in mechanical engineering. This would probably take about five years then I would have to possibly spend another four to five years to get a masters and Ph.D.

With a mechanical engineering degree, I would like to get a job at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Space has always fascinated me and having a job there would be amazing. Even if I didn't get a job at NASA, I would still like to have a job where I can problem solve and create things from the research I've done. I've also concluded that engineers make a good amount of money and that it would be easy to support a family with an engineer's salary.

I have done research with this job by using the internet and asking my family and friends about it. From what I understand, it is a fairly competitive field that I'm sure requires a lot of hard work. I know I could achieve it.

Patrick's essay appears here as written, to preserve the young author’s unique voice and individual writing style. However, we have deleted personally identifiable information to protect the student’s privacy.