programs Match the Promise

Chief Sustainability Officer

Mikaiel – future chief sustainability officer

I want a job that allows me to work with different people on different projects to seek solutions that will improve my company. A career that interests me is called a chief sustainability officer. I chose this career because I like to come up with new ideas that can improve the lives of worker's and, their work environment. This will impact productivity in a positive way for businesses or companies. College education needed for this career will require a bachelor's degree on business or management focusing on sustainability. A bachelor's degree consists of four years of education at either at a college or a university. This career will have many new positons in large companies and businesses because of the demand of "going green". Going green is when companies try to help protect the environment by using less toxic chemicals and environmental friendly practices. Companies realize that going green is not just good for them but profitable too. So, businesses need fresh ideas by adding talented career opportunities like a chief sustainability officer. Most companies have a triple bottom line which means "people, planet, and profits." A chief sustainability officer can improve the triple bottom line by introducing new plans and policies. I became aware of this career as I took a career survey for finding a job that I like and that has future opportunities. I researched this job on several sites that gave me information about the pay, average hours, what it does, education required, training required, businesses that need this position, if this job has positions, if it will be available in the future, and how the job can potentially improve businesses or companies. This career interests me and I hope I will be able to join the thousands of other chief sustainability officers.

Mikaiel's essay appears here as written, to preserve the young author’s unique voice and individual writing style. However, we have deleted personally identifiable information to protect the student’s privacy.