Victor – future allergist or pulmonologist

My name is Victor. During this year at school I was asked to plan out my 4 year high school curriculum according to what career I want to pursuit.

For many years I thought I want to do something in engineering, but this last year I changed my mind.

I have been challenged with mild asthma due to my multiple allergies. Along the way, I have needed the care of different doctors to diagnose me. Seeing how much they have helped me and what a difference it has made in my life, I now want to become a doctor.

Specifically I'd like to become an allergist/ pulmonologist doctor. This may take up to 12 years, which includes 8 years of medical school and 4 years of residency. The four years of residency will prepare me for private practice.

I am interested in attending UT because they have a great medical program. Once I complete my program I'd like to open my own practice and start helping patients. Medicine continues to amaze me every day, and I look forward to make a difference in somebody's life with an accurate diagnoses and the correct treatments to help them improve their health.

I really believe this can be a rewarding career. Not only will I get to help my patients, but I will also have financial stability as time goes by and my practice grows. I know with hard work and dedication. I can be successful.

Victor's essay appears here as written, to preserve the young author’s unique voice and individual writing style. However, we have deleted personally identifiable information to protect the student’s privacy.