Camryn – future game / concept artist

The job that I would like to have in the future is a game or concept artist. A few reasons behind this are that I have progressed in my art skills and I still am progressing in them. I have had a passion for art and video games since a very early age, and I'd like to combine these two passions in some way. Video games have changed dramatically over the years and are becoming more complex and realistic. Some training I would need for this job is to learn the computer aspect of it. I enjoy drawing and need to learn how to make those drawings come to life by using computers. I would like to study and get a degree in either video game design, computer science or art. Some opportunities would be that I could get hired by big gaming companies getting to do what I enjoy most: work with ideas to create and design games. I have researched this career and I tried to see other people's opinion of this job who have had it, looked for the requirements and benefits of the job, and over all what the job was about and what it would be like to have it in the future.

Camryn's essay appears here as written, to preserve the young author’s unique voice and individual writing style. However, we have deleted personally identifiable information to protect the student’s privacy.