programs Match the Promise

A Career to Change the World

Kashish – future physicist

A physicist is a scientist whose knowledge encompasses the interactions of matter and energy at all distance and time scales in the material universe; this is what I yearn to be one day. I aspire to become a physicist to understand the interactions of matter, space, and time in the cosmos and answer several questions we have today, such as existence of dark matter. Many distinguished physicists have inspired me, one of which is Albert Einstein, who is world­renowned for his ground-breaking theory of relativity. While researching my future career I have read about many distinguished physicists and their works, the topic itself captivates me to an astounding extent. I love mathematics and science and always earn exceptional scores. To become a successful physicist, college will be my springboard to higher education; I must acquire a Doctorate in Physics and excel throughout my education. Humankind is naturally inquisitive, and the cosmos is the most momentous mystery, as a physicist, I can help unravel those mysteries and quench the curiosity of our society. Not only will augmented understanding of the interactions of objects in space expand our knowledge but will also enable society to be prepared for what the future holds for us. By studying our planet and the space beyond, we can understand where we came from, where we are going, and why space organized as it is. In addition, how many aspects of physics work under conditions which are impossible to recreate on Earth can be understood. Physics strikes me as one of the most breathtaking areas of research today that will surely advance in the future with improving technology. Through new observations, ameliorated approaches, and more powerful simulations I can now hope to answer some of the most profound questions ever raised.

Kashish's essay appears here as written, to preserve the young author’s unique voice and individual writing style. However, we have deleted personally identifiable information to protect the student’s privacy.