Glenn Hegar
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
Glenn Hegar
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
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Glenn Hegar
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
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Tennessee Resident Bidder Preference

Revised August 14, 2024

Tennessee Code

Title 12. Public Property, Printing, and Contracts

Chapter 3. Public Purchases

Part 11. Tennessee Minority-Owned, Woman-Owned, Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned, Business Owned by Persons with Disabilities, and Small Business Procurement and Contracting Act

§ 12-3-1108. Tennessee meat producers; purchasing preference; departments, agencies and institutions

All departments, agencies and institutions of state government that purchase meat, meat food products or meat by-products, as defined in § 53-7-202, with state funds shall give preference to producers located within the boundaries of this state when awarding contracts or agreements for the purchase of such meat or meat products, so long as the terms, conditions and quality associated with the in-state producers' proposals are equal to those obtainable from producers located elsewhere.

§ 12-3-1109. Tennessee meat producers; purchasing preference; public education institutions

All public education institutions using state funds to purchase meat, meat food products, or meat by-products, as defined in § 53-7-202, shall give preference in awarding contracts or agreements for the purchase of such meat or meat products to producers located within the boundaries of this state so long as the terms, conditions and quality associated with the in-state producers' proposals are equal to those obtainable from producers located elsewhere.

§ 12-3-1110. Tennessee-mined coal; purchasing preference

Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, all state agencies, departments, boards, commissions, institutions, institutions of higher education, schools and all other state entities shall purchase coal mined in this state if such coal is available at a delivered price that is equal to or less than coal mined outside the state.

§ 12-3-1111. Tennessee-produced natural gas; purchasing preference

Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, all state agencies, departments, boards, commissions, institutions, institutions of higher education, schools and all other state entities shall purchase natural gas produced from wells located in the state if such gas is available at a price which is equal to or less than natural gas produced from wells located outside the state, transportation costs taken into account.

§ 12-3-1113. Preference for local agricultural products; preference for Tennessee vegetation

(a) Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, all departments and agencies making purchases of goods, including agricultural products, shall give preference to those produced or grown in this state or offered by Tennessee respondents as follows:

(1) Goods produced in this state or offered by Tennessee respondents shall be given equal preference if the cost to the state and quality are equal; and

(2) Agricultural products grown in this state shall be given first preference and agricultural products offered by Tennessee respondents shall be given second preference, if the cost to the state and quality are equal.

(c) As used in this section:

(1) “Agricultural products” includes textiles and other similar products; and

(2) “Tennessee respondents” means a business:

(A) Incorporated in this state;

(B) That has its principal place of business in this state; or

(C) That has an established physical presence in this state.

(d) The commission and all state agencies making purchases of vegetation for landscaping purposes, including plants, shall give preference to Tennessee vegetation native to the region if the cost to the state is not greater and the quality is not inferior.

(e) All departments and agencies procuring services shall give preference to services offered by a Tennessee respondent if:

(1) The services meet state requirements regarding the service to be performed and expected quality; and

(2) The cost of the service does not exceed the cost of other similar services of similar expected quality that are not offered by a Tennessee respondent.

Tennessee Code

Title 12. Public Property, Printing, and Contracts

Chapter 4. Public Contracts

Part 8. Bidding Preferences

§ 12-4-802. Reciprocal preferences

Whenever the lowest responsible and responsive bidder on a public construction project in this state is a resident of another state which is contiguous to Tennessee and which allows a preference to a resident contractor of that state, a like reciprocal preference is allowed to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder on such project who is either a resident of this state or is a resident of another state which does not allow for a preference to a resident contractor of that state.