Glenn Hegar
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
Glenn Hegar
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
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Glenn Hegar
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
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economy Economic Development

Application and Compliance Reporting Rural Law Enforcement Grants

How to Apply

For the Rural Sheriff’s Office Salary Assistance Grant Program and the Rural Constable’s Office Salary Assistance Grant Program, the county judge must apply for the grants on behalf of the offices. For the Rural Prosecutor’s Office Salary Assistance Grant Program, the prosecutor (county attorney, district attorney, criminal district attorney or county and district attorney) must apply for the grant for their own respective office.

The grant application requires the following information:

  • Name of the county/counties covered
  • Name and contact information for the county judge or prosecutor applying for the grant
  • Texas Identification Number (TIN)
  • Mail code

In addition, for constable’s offices:

  • Name of all eligible constables receiving a salary increase with SB 22 grant funds
  • Salary pre-award
  • Salary post- award
  • FICA Percent
  • Retirement Percent

Application Deadlines

For initial implementation of the program, all eligible counties were eligible to apply for grant funds in Jan. 2024, regardless of a particular county’s fiscal start date. If a county has encumbrances for fiscal 2024 salaries before receiving SB 22 grant funding, the county will be able to backfill its budgeted funds over the months leading up to disbursement of grant funds. It was up to the county whether to adjust law enforcement salaries at the start of its fiscal year or to wait until grant funds are awarded to the county to adjust salaries.

After the first year of the program, a qualified county or prosecutor’s office must apply for the grant starting 60 days prior to the beginning of the entity’s fiscal year and not later than 30 days after the first day of its fiscal year.

By law, failure to file during the 90-day application period would require a qualified county or prosecutor’s office to wait until its next fiscal year to apply.

Application notices will be sent by email to county judges to complete for the sheriff’s office and constable’s office. For prosecutor’s offices, the application notice will be sent to the county attorney, criminal district attorney, district attorney and district and county attorney.

Annual Compliance Report

Counties and prosecutor’s offices that receive a grant must submit a compliance report at the end of their fiscal year. The compliance report will be electronic and will include information to help the Comptroller’s office determine whether the funds were spent on authorized expenses.

Any additional information requested by the Comptroller’s office must be submitted by the grant recipient within 14 calendar days of the request.

Sheriff’s office

The compliance report will include:

  • name, title, salary pre-award, salary post-award and salary increase date of sheriff, deputies and jailers who had their salaries increased using SB 22 grant funds;
  • TCOLE numbers for each jailer and deputy;
  • swearing in date for deputies;
  • name, title, hire date, and salary of new deputies and staff hired using SB 22 grant funds;
  • list, cost and purchase date of all vehicles, firearms and safety equipment purchased using SB 22 grant funds;
  • purchase orders, invoices and receipts for vehicles, firearms and safety equipment purchased using the SB 22 grant funds, submitted in PDF format;  
  • budget for fiscal year (FY) before the grant was awarded;
  • budget for the fiscal year the grant was awarded; and
  • list of all deputies and jailers employed at the sheriff's office and their salary at the end of FY23 and FY24.

Constable’s office

The compliance report will include:

  • name, salary pre-award, salary post-award and salary increase date of constables who had their salary increased using SB 22 grant funds;
  • budget for fiscal year before the grant was awarded; and
  • budget for fiscal year the grant was awarded.

Prosecutor’s office

The compliance report will include:

  • name, title, salary pre-award, salary post-award and salary increase date of assistant attorneys, investigators and the victim assistance coordinator who had their salary increased using SB 22 grant funds;
  • name, title, hire date and salary of new staff hired using SB 22 grant funds;
  • budget for fiscal year before the grant was awarded; and
  • budget for fiscal year the grant was awarded.

Contact us with questions about the SB22 program.

Need Help?

For additional information, contact the Data Analysis and Transparency Division via email or at 844-519-5672.

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