Glenn Hegar
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
Glenn Hegar
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
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Glenn Hegar
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
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Port of Entry: GalvestonImpact to the Texas Economy, 2018

Ports of entry within the state of Texas accounted for nearly $740 billion in international trade in 2018. Texas has 29 official ports of entry that serve as critical gateways to global trade. Each port, whether an airport, land port or seaport, serves many domestic and international economic activities across multiple industries. Each Texas port plays a distinctive role in the state’s transportation network and contributes to the state and local economies.

Of Texas’ total international trade, $261 billion, or 35.3 percent, traveled through the state’s seaports, with the Port of Galveston accounting for 2.4 percent of the seaport trade, or about $6.4 billion.1 Each seaport facilitates the movement of goods between Texas and nations throughout the world. Each Texas seaport is unique, offering different capabilities and many shipping options, including bulk, roll-on/roll-off, container and liquid/gas shipping.

Economic Contribution

Based on the Comptroller’s estimate, trade through the Port of Galveston in 2018 affected about 28,000 net jobs in Texas. Approximately $4.3 billion in gross domestic product (GDP) is related to trade through the Port of Galveston (Exhibit 1).2

Exhibit 1:Trade through the Port of Galveston
Estimated Total Contribution to the Texas Economy, 20183
Total direct trade value $6.4 billion
Related gross domestic product4 $4.3 billion
Total employment affected5 28,300

Sources: Regional Economic Models Inc. (REMI) model for Texas, Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts

Port of Galveston Trade

The Port of Galveston is one of 10 seaports along Texas’ 367-mile coastline on the Gulf of Mexico.

Exhibit 2: Trading Partners and Trade Products through  the Port of Galveston (based on $ value), 2018
Top origins of imported goods: Germany, Brazil, Japan
Top destinations for exported goods: Brazil, the Netherlands
Top products imported through this port: machinery, vehicles
Top products exported through this port: petroleum products

Source: U.S. Census Bureau: Economic Indicators Division, USA Trade Online

Shipping activity through the Port of Galveston accounted for $6.4 billion in trade in 2018, 8 percent more than in 2003 ($5.9 billion) (Exhibit 3). The Port of Galveston also houses the state’s main cruise ship terminal. In 2018, the port saw 268 cruise ship calls representing about 2 million cruise ship passenger movements.

Port of Galveston, All Trade (All Commodities), 2003 to 2018

Created with Highcharts 9.0.1In Billions of Dollars2003200420052006200720082009201020112012201320142015201620172018$0$2$4$6$8$10
Exhibit 3: Port of Galveston, All Trade (All Commodities), 2003 to 2018
Year Total Trade through Galveston (in billions) Percentage of Total Trade through Seaports
2003 5.9 billion dollars 6.5%
2004 6.3 billion dollars 5.3%
2005 7.6 billion dollars 5.0%
2006 4.8 billion dollars 2.7%
2007 6.9 billion dollars 3.5%
2008 6.1 billion dollars 2.3%
2009 4.4 billion dollars 2.5%
2010 5.5 billion dollars 2.5%
2011 7.2 billion dollars 2.5%
2012 8.9 billion dollars 3.0%
2013 7.6 billion dollars 2.7%
2014 8.0 billion dollars 2.9%
2015 5.4 billion dollars 2.7%
2016 4.0 billion dollars 2.4%
2017 4.7 billion dollars 2.2%
2018 6.4 billion dollars 2.4%

Source: U.S. Census Bureau: Economic Indicators Division, USA Trade Online

The Port of Galveston’s top two trading partners account for slightly more than one-third of all trade traversing the port (Exhibit 4). The port’s top trading partner, Germany, represents 18.6 percent of its total trade, while the second-largest, Brazil, represents 17.1 percent. The next three largest trading partners, Japan, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, account for about 7.2, 4.6 and 4.1 percent, respectively.

Exhibit 4:Port of Galveston Trade Value (2014 to 2018)
YearOverall Trade (billions) Trade with Germany and Brazil (billions)
Total TradeExportsImports Trade % of Total Exports Imports
2018 $6.4 $2.7 $3.7 $2.3 35.7% $0.6 $1.7
2017 $4.7 $1.6 $3.1 $1.6 34.4% $0.3 $1.3
2016 $4.0 $1.4 $2.6 $1.3 31.2% $0.2 $1.1
2015 $5.4 $2.4 $3.1 $1.0 18.2% $0.2 $0.8
2014 $8.0 $4.0 $4.1 $1.4 17.0% $0.4 $1.0

Sources: U.S. Census Bureau: Economic Indicators Division, USA Trade Online

  1. U.S. Census Bureau: USA Trade Online – U.S. Import and Export Merchandise trade statistics.
  2. Regional Economic Models Inc. (REMI) model for Texas was used with total trade value attributed to this port as a percentage of Texas’ total trade value as an input. These data were used to generate a weighted estimate of net jobs and GDP associated with trade at this port.
  3. The estimated contributions offer a strong indicator of the economic importance of this port of entry to Texas; estimates as such are not precise quantifications of direct or indirect contributions to the Texas economy.
  4. “Gross domestic product” refers to the total value of all final goods and services produced in Texas.
  5. “Total employment” refers to both direct and indirect employment.
  6. U.S. Census Bureau: Economic Indicators Division, USA Trade Online.