The Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts (CPA) provides a listing of Statewide HUB Program-sponsored events, which are events where Statewide HUB is assisting in the planning, outreach and advertising aspects or when spot bid fair opportunities will be available.
Vendors and buyers can also access the Education and Outreach Forum (EOF) Calendar which encompasses the CPA-sponsored events in addition to other vendor fairs, conventions, conferences, workshops and seminars, all of which support small Texas businesses. These EOF events are offered by state agencies, universities, local governments and other entities such as business development centers or trade organizations.
Join us for tailored trainings and networking with state agencies, universities and more.
Hotel Reservations must be completed by March 15,2025.
Event Registration no later than March 20, 2025 is required to attend.
Register by email at:
Join us in person for state procurement trainings and panel discussions, networking with state agencies and real-time bid opportunities!
The "Doing Business Texas Style" Spot Bid Fair is sponsored by Senator Royce West and the Comptroller of Public Accounts' Statewide Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) Program.
For more information, contact
May 13-14, 2025Registration Opening Soon!
Join us for the annual Building Your Dream HUB Expo in Beaumont, TX! This year's event will host workshops for prospective HUB vendors and active HUB vendors, small businesses wanting to do business with state agencies and universities. The event will be a day-long networking opportunity with over 40 agencies in attendance to network with!
For more information, contact Beverly Hatcher, GTMBC President.
June 18, 2025When: April 16, 2025 10am - 11am
Register for the online webinar.
Join Del Mar Apex Accelerator and TxHUB for an in-depth discussion on documentation required for submission of the Texas Historically Underutilized Business (TxHUB) application packet. The Historically Underutilized Business program (HUB) was created to promote full and equal procurement opportunities for small, minority- and women-owned businesses through a no-charge certification which must be renewed every 4 years. All state agencies are required to make a good faith effort to utilize HUB certified firms in contracts of all kinds.
No Cost | Live Webinar