programs Education


American Legion, Texas
Oratorical Contest Chairman
P.O. Box 140527
Austin, TX 78714-0527

Annual scholarships for undergraduate studies available to eligible high school students under the age of 20, and residing in Texas. Four awards from $500-$2,000. First place winner to enter state contest earns $2000. State winner to compete in national contest. National finalist winners are awarded scholarships of $20,000-$25,000.

Basis for selection: Competition, talent, interest in oratory debate, breadth of knowledge, originality, application of knowledge of topic, skill in selecting examples and analogies, logic, voice, diction style language and delivery. Applicant must demonstrate patriotism.

The contest consists of two speeches: a Prepared Oration and an Assigned Topic. The Prepared Oration must be on some aspect of the Constitution of the United States with emphasis on the duties and obligations of a citizen to our government. The Assigned Topic will be selected from Articles and Sections as listed under Assigned Topics for the current year's contest.

For more information visit:, or

Deadline: April 1

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