Glenn Hegar
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
Glenn Hegar
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
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Glenn Hegar
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
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Franchise Tax

News and Announcements

Beneficial Owner Information (BOI) Reports Under Federal Corporate Transparency Act
Don’t confuse BOI Reports with Public Information Reports (PIRs) or Ownership Information Reports (OIRs).

Beginning Jan. 1, 2024, the U.S. Department of the Treasury began accepting Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) reports as required under the Corporate Transparency Act. A BOI report contains information about individuals who own or control companies doing business in the United States. BOI reports should be filed with the Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) through its online Beneficial Ownership Secure System (BOSS). The reports cannot be filed through the Comptroller’s office or the Texas Secretary of State, and do not serve as a substitute for PIRs or OIRs. For more information on BOI Reports go to the Treasury Department’s website.

Franchise Tax Notices – February 2025
Form 05-213, Texas Notice of Forfeiture of Registration

If you received this notice, your registration has been forfeited by the Secretary of State's (SOS) office for failure to meet 2024 franchise tax filing or payment requirements. If your entity's annualized total revenue for the 2024 report year is at or below the no tax due threshold of $2,470,000, you are not required to file a franchise tax report, but you still must file either a Public Information Report or an Ownership Information Report. See Changes to No Tax Due Reporting for 2024 Reports. Learn how to resolve this issue and ensure your franchise tax filings and payments are current. Then obtain a tax clearance letter from the Comptroller's office to reinstate your registration at the SOS.

Form 05-285, Franchise Tax Annual Report Filing Notice; or email

The Comptroller’s office sends a letter or an email to all franchise taxpayers as a reminder that May 15 is the due date for franchise tax reports, extension requests, payments and/or Public or Ownership Information reports. See our Franchise Tax webpage for more information about franchise tax.

High Call Volume

Shorter wait times occur from 8-10 a.m. and 4-5 p.m. CST. Please have your 11-digit taxpayer number ready when you call. For more information, see our Call Tips and Peak Schedule.

What is Franchise Tax?

The Texas franchise tax is a privilege tax imposed on each taxable entity formed or organized in Texas or doing business in Texas. For general information, see the Franchise Tax Overview.

Tax Rates, Thresholds and Deduction Limits

Franchise tax rates, thresholds and deduction limits vary by report year. Use the rate that corresponds to the year for which you are filing.

2024 and 2025
Item Amount
No Tax Due Threshold $2,470,000
Tax Rate (retail or wholesale) 0.375%
Tax Rate (other than retail or wholesale) 0.75%
Compensation Deduction Limit $450,000
EZ Computation Total Revenue Threshold $20 million
EZ Computation Rate 0.331%
Tax Rates, Thresholds and Deduction Limits for Prior Years
2022 and 2023
Item Amount
No Tax Due Threshold $1,230,000
Tax Rate (retail or wholesale) 0.375%
Tax Rate (other than retail or wholesale) 0.75%
Compensation Deduction Limit $400,000
EZ Computation Total Revenue Threshold $20 million
EZ Computation Rate 0.331%
2020 and 2021
Item Amount
No Tax Due Threshold $1,180,000
Tax Rate (retail or wholesale) 0.375%
Tax Rate (other than retail or wholesale) 0.75%
Compensation Deduction Limit $390,000
EZ Computation Total Revenue Threshold $20 million
EZ Computation Rate 0.331%
2018 and 2019
Item Amount
No Tax Due Threshold $1,130,000
Tax Rate (retail or wholesale) 0.375%
Tax Rate (other than retail or wholesale) 0.75%
Compensation Deduction Limit $370,000
EZ Computation Total Revenue Threshold $20 million
EZ Computation Rate 0.331%
2016 and 2017
Item Amount
No Tax Due Threshold $1,110,000
Tax Rate (retail or wholesale) 0.375%
Tax Rate (other than retail or wholesale) 0.75%
Compensation Deduction Limit $360,000
EZ Computation Total Revenue Threshold $20 million
EZ Computation Rate 0.331%
Item Amount
No Tax Due Threshold $1,080,000
Tax Rate (retail or wholesale) 0.475%
Tax Rate (other than retail or wholesale) 0.95%
Compensation Deduction Limit $350,000
EZ Computation Total Revenue Threshold $10 million
EZ Computation Rate 0.575%
Item Amount
No Tax Due Threshold $1,080,000
Tax Rate (retail or wholesale) 0.4875%
Tax Rate (other than retail or wholesale) 0.975%
Compensation Deduction Limit $350,000
EZ Computation Total Revenue Threshold $10 million
EZ Computation Rate 0.575%
2012 and 2013
Item Amount
No Tax Due Threshold $1,030,000
Tax Rate (retail or wholesale) 0.5%
Tax Rate (other than retail or wholesale) 1.0%
Compensation Deduction Limit $330,000
EZ Computation Total Revenue Threshold $10 million
EZ Computation Rate 0.575%
2010 and 2011
Item Amount
No Tax Due Threshold $1,000,000
Tax Rate (retail or wholesale) 0.5%
Tax Rate (other than retail or wholesale) 1.0%
Compensation Deduction Limit $320,000
EZ Computation Total Revenue Threshold $10 million
EZ Computation Rate 0.575%
2008 and 2009
Item Amount
No Tax Due Threshold $300,000
Tax Rate (retail or wholesale) 0.5%
Tax Rate (other than retail or wholesale) 1.0%
Compensation Deduction Limit $300,000
EZ Computation Total Revenue Threshold $10 million
EZ Computation Rate 0.575%

Final Franchise Tax Reports

Before getting a Certificate of Account Status to terminate, convert, merge or withdraw registration with the Texas Secretary of State:

  • A Texas entity, terminating, converting or merging, must file its final tax report and pay any amount due in the year it plans to terminate, convert or merge.
  • An out-of-state entity, ending its nexus in Texas, must file its final report and pay any amount due within 60 days of ceasing to have nexus.

Penalties and Interest

  • A $50 penalty is assessed on each report filed after the due date.
  • If tax is paid 1-30 days after the due date, a 5 percent penalty is assessed.
  • If tax is paid over 30 days after the due date, a 10 percent penalty is assessed.
  • Past due taxes are charged interest beginning 61 days after the due date.
  • To calculate interest on past due taxes, visit Interest Owed and Earned.

Additional Resources