taxes Property Tax Assistance

School District Property Value Study

The purpose of the School District Property Value Study (PVS) is to help ensure equitable distribution of state funding for public education. Government Code Section 403.302 requires the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts to conduct a study to determine the total taxable value of all property in each school district at least once every two years. The Comptroller's Property Tax Assistance Division (PTAD) conducts the School District PVS to estimate a school district's taxable property value and certifies those values to the commissioner of education. The commissioner of education uses the School District PVS results to ensure equitable distribution of education funds so school districts have roughly the same number of dollars to spend per student, regardless of the school district's property wealth. The School District PVS results can affect a school district's state funding.

The School District Property Value Study and How to Protest (PDF) presents an overview of the School District PVS, provides greater detail regarding the School District PVS procedures and provides guidance on considering and preparing a protest of the School District PVS preliminary findings of taxable value.

School District PVS Findings
Year School District PVS Findings
2024 Preliminary
2023 Preliminary Final
2022 Preliminary Final
2021 Preliminary Final
2020 Preliminary Final
2019 Preliminary Final
2018 Preliminary Final
2017 Preliminary Final
2016 Preliminary Final
School District Pre-Preliminary Data Release

Each year in December, our office releases local data and values for the sampled properties in the School District PVS to chief appraisers, appraisal firms and school superintendents for review. This data does not include values as determined by PTAD.

Throughout the year, our field appraisers send clerical error reports to chief appraisers to verify the data received from their offices that is specific to the sample properties studied in the current School District PVS. In December, our office sends pre-preliminary data in the following in separate emails:

  • pre-preliminary self-report data to chief appraisers and superintendents (not specific to individual accounts in the School District PVS sample);
  • pre-preliminary Category G data to chief appraisers and appraisal firms; and
  • pre-preliminary Category J data to chief appraisers and appraisal firms.

We ask chief appraisers, superintendents and appraisal firms to carefully review the local value information for accuracy and report any clerical errors to our office so we can add, delete or correct sample characteristics before we release the preliminary School District PVS findings at the end of January.

School District PVS Preliminary Findings - Data Release for Invalid Findings

To assist in the preparation of a protest of the School District PVS preliminary findings, school superintendents or their authorized agents can request information for school districts with invalid local value. The data release contains standard, commonly requested School District PVS information and is part of the protest prehearing exchanges under Comptroller Rule 9.4311.

To request the data release, school superintendents or their authorized agents can submit the Data Release Request for School District Property Value Study Preliminary Findings - Invalid Findings (PDF) form beginning after January 1. The information included in the data release is listed under the Important Information section of the request form. To request the data release for multiple school districts, agents must submit the Data Release School District Listing Template (XLSX) along with a single request form.

School District PVS Preliminary Findings – How to Protest

The law allows school districts, eligible property owners and their agents to protest the School District PVS preliminary findings. A petition protesting the Comptroller's preliminary School District PVS findings must be filed within 40 calendar days after the date the Comptroller's office certifies preliminary findings of taxable value to the commissioner of education. The petition must include three parts: Form 50-210-a, Part A (PDF), Form 50-210-b, Part B (DOCX) and Form 50-210-c, Part C (PDF), and is subject to dismissal if any of the three parts is not submitted by the deadline.

The Comptroller's office offers the following resources to provide guidance on how to properly prepare and submit a complete petition package for those interested in pursuing the protest process:

School District PVS Resources, Appraisal Manuals and Other Materials
School District Taxable Value Audits

Government Code Section 403.302(h) and Comptroller Rule 9.103 allow the Comptroller's office to audit the total taxable value of property in a school district and to revise the final School District PVS findings based on the audit findings. The audit request must come from the commissioner of education or a school district and is limited to corrections and changes in a school district's appraisal roll that occurred after preliminary certification of the Comptroller's School District PVS findings.

The audit request must be filed with the Comptroller's office not later than the third anniversary of the date of the final certification of the School District PVS findings and not later than the first anniversary of the date the chief appraiser certifies a change to the appraisal roll if:

  • the chief appraiser corrects the appraisal roll under Tax Code Section 25.25 or 42.41; and
  • the change results in a material reduction in the total taxable value of property in the school district.

The Comptroller's office certifies the audit findings to the commissioner of education.